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Friday, 18 January 2013

Variations of the Plain Omelette

Variations of the plain puffy omelette or the plain French omelette may be made by adding any of the following ingredients, before it is put into the pan to cook, or by spreading one of them on top just before the omelette is folded.
Allow one tablespoon of mixture to each two eggs used.
Aux Fines Herbs-This, favourite French omelette is made by adding a mixture of parsley, thyme and sweet marjoram to a plain omelette
Cheese- Scatter grated or ground cheese over the centre of the omelette while it is cooking.
Fish-Use any cooked fish. Dice it fine, season with salt and pepper and moisten with a little cream.
Ham or Other Meat- Scatter minced cooked meat over the centre of the omelette while it is cooking. The meat may be browned in a small amount of fat before it is added.
Jardinière-Stir into the beaten eggs, before cooking, a mixture of minced parsley, onion, chives, shallots, and a few leaves each of sorrel and chervil.
Jelly-Spread any jelly or jam over the omelette just before folding.
Mushroom-Use fresh or canned mushrooms sliced or cut in bits. Melt some fat in a saucepan and sauté the mushrooms for about four minutes, add some flour to form a roux and cook an additional two minutes. Add milk or cream, salt, pepper Cook until thickens, and then set aside until the omelette is made. Spread the mushroom mixture over the omelette just before folding.
Onion- Mix one tablespoon diced onion and one teaspoon minced parsley. Add to the omelette mixture before cooking.
Parsley- Scatter minced parsley over the centre of the omelette while it is cooking.
Potato Omelette- Cut cooked potatoes into tiny cubes and cook in bacon fat with seasonings for five minutes. Beat the eggs slightly and add milk, then pour over the potatoes. Cook slowly until set, fold and turn on to a hat plate.
Spanish Omelette- Peel the tomato. Dice pepper, onion, parsley, celery, olives, mushrooms and mix all together. Place the mixture in a saucepan, add seasonings, and cook for two to three minutes. Beat the eggs, put them in the omelette pan, and, as soon as they begin to cook, add the diced vegetables. Finish as for plain omelette.
Vegetable-Use cooked left-over vegetables, one vegetable alone or two in combinations. Mash the vegetable through a ricer, moisten with a little milk, cream, or gravy, and season with salt and pepper. Lightly spread the mixture over the omelette before folding.
Eggs Florentine
2qts. spinach                     
1 tsp. salt
4 Tbsps. butter                             
6 hard-coddled eggs
½ tsp. pepper                                
½ cup tomato sauce
Wash, cook and drain the spinach and add the butter and the seasonings. Arrange a nest of spinach at each end of a small platter. Put three eggs in each nest and pour the tomato sauce between the nests.

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